
What I got for Christmas! (+ Christmas movie recommendations!)

IMG_0306Christmas is always the best holiday for me. I can’t say in all honesty that it isn’t because of gifts (lol). But gifts and all that aren’t really the most important part of Christmas time, and we all know what’s important is the family. Every Christmas, my whole family gathers in one house and we have all these food. So a bunch of cousins came in our house, my grandmother, my uncle, and my aunts and it was honestly such a good time. We play games (even the adults play with us) and we all end up screaming and laughing and getting a bunch of money from the adults for winning.

It’s just that perfect scenario where the house is bright and there’s Christmas songs playing in the background and there’s a Christmas movie playing in the T.V. that apparently no one is paying attention to because everyone’s socialising and taking Christmas pictures, etc. Then after that, we’d gather on the table and get some coffee to stay awake until Christmas Eve so that everyone can open their gifts.

Talking about gifts, I just wanted to show you guys what I got for Christmas! I really love all the gifts that I receive as long as the people actually took their time to think about a gift to actually give to me and it’s really heartwarming.

Christmas Eve!!!

Note: This is in no particular order

1.) Chinese “Ampao” (Red Envelope)

ampaoSince we’re a Chinese family (sort of), of course we’d get ampao! I’m happy to receive this one from my beautiful aunt! Thank you so much, auntie! Means more money to go shopping, or maybe I might just save it. (But I’m terrible at saving unless I have a goal!). The story is also a bit funny because I actually caught her writing in the ampao in my room and I laughed so hard.

2.) Guitar Necklace


I thought this gift was really thoughtful! I got this from my cousin, Mikee (she’s a girl). It got my name engraved in the guitar necklace and it says “rocker chic” at the back. Though I have no idea how I’m going to use this on my outfits, I’ll try. I might find something! I find this piece cute as well, just not something I think I could wear but still, it’s the thought that counts and I think this is really great! So thanks cousin!

3.) Keihl’s Ultra Facial Toner


This one’s a funny story because I actually already knew what she’d give me because we shopped together and it was just so funny! It’s okay though because she also knows what I’m getting her cause we went shopping together as well for that one and I just let her choose what she wanted. It was worth 1.2k so she also got me worth the same price and this is what I got! Can’t wait to try this baby and I might giving you some reviews if it’s actually as good as they say. Plus, they also gave out free samples for their Ultra Facial Cream!

4.) Cliniqueclinique

I got this from my aunt Jean (she’s actually the same aunt who gave me the ampao) and my Uncle Marforth. I’m happy to get this because I’m a big fan of make-up! It’s not clear in the picture but I got a “Clinique Clarifying Lotion” and a “Clinique Power Mascara”. I have no idea how to use the clarifying lotion so I will look into that after I finish this post! 🙂

5.) Charles & Keith


Yay! I got a new bag as well! This is from my mother and it’s really cute! It’s something that I have never had before. I have never had a snakeskin bag and I’m happy that I finally have one! Thanks mom! I love you!



What could this be? Shoes?




This gift is from my parents! I’m so happy to get this since it’s the one I was initially saving for and I got it! I wanted this so bad because it looks totally timeless and classic. Plus it’s the first legit watch that I actually owned for myself so thank you so much mom and dad! I love it!!! It’s one of the best gifts that I got for the Christmas!

7.) “Orochi” Razer


I got this from my cousin Yuri and we’re both gamers (though I’m more on console than PC) and he bought me this and I’m so happy because Razer is such a big brand in the gaming world so thanks! If you guys want to see me play or interested in the games I play then feel free to comment/ask me about it!


It comes with this small pouch that has a mouse wire and two batteries then at the back, there’s a manual and Razer stickers.


And this is how the mouse actually looks like! In my opinion, it’s got that batman feel to it. I really love this gift and it’s also one of my favourites that I got! Thank you so much, Yuri! I’ll be sure to buy you a game later today!



And what could this luggage thing be?


It’s a turntable! Yay! This one is very special because apparently I got it from “Santa”. Yes, I’m 17 years old, and yes I still get gifts from Santa? It’s just our Christmas spirit!

And that is it for my gifts under the Christmas tree! Thank you so much to my family, friends, and of course, Happy Birthday to the big guy up there! I love you all so much and a very Merry Christmas!

Movies that I love watching during Christmas and are actually pretty good!

1.) How the Grinch Stole Christmas

2.)  Love Actually

3.) Anastasia

4.) The Nightmare before Christmas

5.) Home Alone

And that is all! Thanks for taking the time to read this Christmas post! Happy Holidays everyone!